
Archive for June 17th, 2012

by Allan Fish

Straight to it again…

Best Picture The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, UK (10 votes – winner by 1)

Best Director Carl Th.Dreyer, Day of Wrath (14 votes)

Best Short Meshes of the Afternoon, US, Maya Deren (6 votes)

Best Actor Roger Livesey, The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (18 votes)

Best Actress Lisbeth Movin, Day of Wrath (11 votes)

Best Supp Actor Ant0n Walbrook, The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (11 votes)

Best Supp Actress Anne Svierkier, Day of Wrath (7 votes, another by 1)

Best Score Bernard Herrmann, Jane Eyre (8 votes)

and my choices…


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